הכנות אחרונות לקראת הגאולה
רץ ברשת – חלום עם הרבי מליובאוויטש – מגלה י"ג פסוקים חדשים של אני מאמין

רץ ברשת – חלום עם הרבי מליובאוויטש – מגלה י"ג פסוקים חדשים של אני מאמין




רץ ברשת – חלום עם הרבי מליובאוויטש 12 -מגלה   י"ג פסוקים חדשים של אני מאמין

כבר עשרות צפיות תוך דקות! מעריכים שיזכה למליון צפיות תוך שבוע!


 תמלול החלום : להורדה החלום של הילד עם הרבי – 13 אני מאמינ'ס

ילד הפלא התמים מוישי מצעירי חב"ד זוכה לגילוי מהרבי מליובאוויטש זי"ע ומגלה לו סודות נפלאים, ב"ה בא לפנינו הילד הנ"ל והקלטנו אותו והקלדנו, בערך מה שאמר, לתועלת אנ"ש היקרים, חסידי כ"ק אדמו"ר זי"ע ונבאו בניכם ובנותיכם בחוריכם חזיונות יראו שלום קוראים לי מוישי ואני רוצה לספר את הסיפור שלי …. וכך היה כתוב
  1. אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי היה עבד ה', חכם קדוש וצדיק וכל הנהגותיו והוראתיו היו על פי ההלכה, וידע את השולחן הערוך החמישי.

  2.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי דורש מנשי חבד להתלבש בצניעות אמיתית לפי ההלכה.

  3.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי רצה שהאשה תקיים את חומרת הזוהר לכסות את כל שערות הראש כולם משום צניעות. אני, מאמין, באמונה, שלימה, שדעת ורצון הרבי – הוא שהאשה וגם חסידית חב"ד בכלל – תלכנה במטפחת דווקא, ומבטיח שתזכה לבני חיי מזוני רוויחי והצלחה וכל הברכות שבתורה.

  4.  אני, מאמין, באמונה, שלימה, שהרבי ידע וסבר כמו הצמח צדק שפאה נכרית היא רק בבית לכבוד בעלה ולא חס ושלום בחוץ (חידושי הצמח צדק ברכות דף ו).

  5.  אני, מאמין, באמונה, שלימה, שהרבי רצה שיהיה הבדל בין יהודיה לגויה כשהולכת ברחוב, ויראו שהיא יהודיה אדוקה בתורה ומצוות בכיסוי הראש ובכלל הצניעות.

  6. . אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שמה שהרבי אמר ללכת בפאה היה הוראת שעה בלבד משום שבאמריקה אז הלכו הרוב בגלוי ראש ממש ולפעמים אפילו אלו עם המטפחות היו מכסות רק חלק למחצה שליש ורביע, וגם זה כשהיו ליד חברה חילוניה או גויה ובמסיבה וליד הנשיא היו מורידות את המטפחת ונשארות ללא שום כסוי ראש בכלל.

  7.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהפאות של אז לפני 60 שנה היו כל כך מכוערות והיו מתביישות ללכת איתם ברחוב, עד שהיה צריך לשכנע אותם מאד ללבוש פאה בלב שמח ובאמיצות.

  8.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי סבר שפאות מהודו הם עבודה זרה, ופאה מתקרובת עבודה זרה אסורה בלבישה ובהנאה.

  9.  אני מאמין באמונה שלימה שהרבי אוסר את כל הפאות של היום ללא יוצא מן הכלל.

  10.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי בוכה כל היום וכל הלילה על זה שנשי חבד וכל ישראל לובשות פאה.

  11.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי, נגלה בחלום בחזיון לכמה נשים גם לנשי חב"ד ,ואמר להם שאין לו מנוחה ורוגע בשמים ואדרבה יש לו יסורים גדולים מאד, מזה שמפרסמים בשמו שאמר ללבוש פאה ומזה שנשי חבד חובשות פאה.

  12.  אני מאמין שה' יתברך שמו קיבל את תפלת וזעקת הרבי, ושלח שליחים נאמנים, שיפרסמו בכל העולם שאסור ללבוש פאה גם ובמיוחד לשיטת הרבי.

  13.  אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהרבי מברך את כל מי שפירסם את דעתו האמיתית – שאסור ללבוש פאה לכל העולם, ויזכה לקבל פני משיח צדקנו בפועל ממש מתחת לעשרה טפחים ויצביע עליו ויאמר בזכותך הגעתי!




A Child's Vision

The tomim wonder boy, Moishei, from Tzeirei Chabad, merited a revelation from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who revealed wonderful secrets to him, baruch Hashem. And his family recorded him and typed what he said, and this is what he said for the benefit of the dear Chassidim of the holy Admor, may his memory protect us. And the righteous sages are greater after their death than during their lifetimes. So the prophet says that before the redemption there will be true dreams, and as the prophet says: "And your sons and daughters prophesied in your youth visions that will be seen."

And now I will relate what we received from the recording of the child talking about his vision:

Shalom to everyone. Shalom to all the children, shalom to all the people of Israel. My name is Moishe, and I want to tell you what happened to me today.

I love the Rebbe very much. Every day I study the Tanya, Likutei Sichot and Igrot Hakodesh. I love the Rebbe so very much, and have always wanted him to reveal himself to me. That is because I was born after he died, and I wanted to actually see the Rebbe. I gave a lot of charity and did many good deeds, and many acts of loving kindness. I lit a candle to elevate the Rebbe's soul, and then I suddenly fell asleep and had a dream.

I heard what sounded like a shofar, and saw a Beit Hamikdash – very large, and engulfed in fire. I saw the Beit Hamikdash, and went inside. I started to walk around in the Beit Hamikdash, and I saw many Jews. I understood that the Mashiach had arrived, so I looked inside the Beit Hamikdash, and I saw a huge altar with a big fire burning on it. Guess who was there! There was an offering on the altar, and the Rebbe was making the offering. What was he sacrificing? It was a wig. Thousands of wigs. A gigantic pile of wigs. And the Rebbe was burning them. It was the wigs that everyone in the nation of Israel had taken off. In particular the wigs that Chabad women had removed. And the Rebbe burned them in Heaven, a sacrifice in honor of Hashem, blessed be His name. And he very quietly motioned to me to come closer. We entered a big hall full of many, many tzaddikim. Rebbe Shimon was there, and lots of other tzadikim. Then the Rebbe sat on a large, fancy chair, at the head of a table. On his right sat Ha'Admor Hazaken (the author of the Tanya). On his left sat the Tzemach Tzedek. And there was a gabbai there who poured them all drinks. The Rebbe didn't want anyone to pour for him. They all raised their glasses "L'chaim! L'chaim!" But the Rebbe stayed at the head of the table, and looked extremely sad. He wept with great big tears falling into his drink, until the cup was full of boiling tears that spilled on to the table. He said to me in a loud, pained voice: "Know that a person must take great care not to be a kopher [heretic]. There are 13 principles. I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the Creator and Guide of all created beings, and that He alone has made, does make, and will make all things…" And he continued until he reached the principle: "I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach, but because of the wigs the Mashiach cannot come. Say in my name that there is almost no Chabad chassid at all who is deserving of the Mashiach's arrival – either revealed or hidden. Proclaim my pain and my shame and my humiliation before the congregation of Israel, the rabbis, the Knesset Hagedola, the Shechina, the Roshei Yeshivot, the Admors and the heads of Kollels. And the way to make a tikun – to remediate this – is for you to go back down and say in my name that it is fitting to conduct oneself like a true chassid. Not to be foolish at all, for a fool is one who disregards his rabbi's words, our rabbi, our leader…" And he wept so hard he couldn't continue speaking…

The Admor Hazaken began to speak (the Admor Hazaken was there too), and said, "My righteous boy, sweet child, I want you to publicize this in any way you can. And water will burst forth from your springs. For the true path is to be the holy light surrounding the head scarf, which surrounds the woman with holy, Divine light. Light so bright that the angels of the world can't even gaze upon it. And when a woman reaches Heaven she will see all this, and illuminate it like afternoon rays of the sun. That is what the Rebbe was talking about. Because he wanted women to wear head scarves. But he saw it wasn't happening, people weren't listening to him. And so, like the prophet Eliyahu, he made a hora'at sha'ah, and emergency ruling. But not wigs which are idol worship. There is no way in the world to permit wearing one. And whoever wears a wig is surrounded by tremendous darkness, and prevents herself and her family from the blessings of life and sustenance. And to prove to you that this dream is real," said Ba'al HaTanya, "I am now going to tell you what will happen when you wake up. You will tell this to everyone, and they will record it, and it will be publicized all over the world. And there will be righteous Jews, tzaddikim, who will believe it. But there will also be heretics, only a few, not too many, who don't believe it. But they will be in danger when the Moshiach arrives, and that is my final warning before… (I don't want to continue revealing what he said), and the sign is…" (Here he revealed many great secrets).

The Rebbe gave me to drink from the cup of tears, and at that moment I received the Rebbe's entire Torah, and all of the Tanya. And I became very, very, learned, reaching the highest levels of understanding. One of the secrets he revealed to me, and that I revealed to others, is that the Tanya is the Torah written about Chassidut.  So Ba'al Haturim says that the Torah begins with אמת (the letters that spell the Hebrew word for truth). The last letters of the words 'In the beginning Hashem created' –

 בראשית ברא אלקים – spell אמת, truth. The Admor Hazaken continued: "And therefore, when I wrote the Tanya, I was careful about each and every word, and each and every letter. And the Tanya begins with תניא משביעין אותו – the first letters of each word spell truth. Not the last letters, like at the beginning of the Torah. And now I will reveal to you another secret, they impressed upon him – be a tzaddik and do not be a rasha – what is a rasha? An evil person – רשע? That word has the same numerical value as  ירא שייטל – one who fears a wig. Why? Because a woman who wears a wig has no fear of Heaven, but rather has "fear of wig", because she is afraid her wig is not pretty enough…"

Now I will reveal another secret to you. He explained to me the secret of the Tanya (סוד התניא). What is the secret of the Tanya? The gematriya kolel (מספר כלל) – the numerical value plus the number of letters of the word) – for head scarf (מטפחת) is the secret of the Tanya. Why? Because I began the Tanya with the words: Every Jew, before he is born, is administered an oath: 'Be righteous, and be not wicked. So how can someone wear a headscarf [the child got mixed up here, and must have intended to say 'wig'], for her husband and children are the opposite of righteous, if there is idol worship in the house! It is truly a home of idol worship! That is what I meant when I wrote 'Be righteous and not be wicked.' And they revealed many great secrets to me. He said that there were some I could not reveal until the arrival of the Mashiach, and only then could I teach new Torah.

And then the Rebbe began to speak, and he wept greatly as he spoke. "Do you see my tears? Do you see my red face? Do you see the pain in my heart? I don't want anyone to call himself a Chabad chassid if she doesn't heed my words and only wear a scarf. I will not forgive her, for Chabad is not idol worship. And whoever wears a scarf, it is as if she has fulfilled all 613 mitzvot. And I specifically established a program for studying the Rambam, which states that the first mitzvah is to believe in Hashem. And that is the foundation. And the righteous man shall live by his faith. And then the Rebbe gave instructions, and his assistant brought him a tear stained page, and on the page were twelve… And he began writing [transcriber's note: perhaps the child meant that the Rebbe wrote with tears instead of ink] twelve new pesukim (chabad have twelve pesukim), that every child should recite. 13 principles. And whoever publicizes them, and every girl and boy who recited them, will merit seeing the arrival of the Mashiach.

And this is what he said to me:

  1. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe is a servant of Hashem, wise, and holy, and righteous. And all of his customs and teachings were according to halacha, and he knew "the Fifth Shulchan Aruch." [the fifth section of Shulchan Aruch].
  2. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe requires of all the people of Chabad to dress in a truly modest fashion, according to halacha.
  3. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe wanted women to uphold the stringincies of the Zohar, for everyone to cover all of their hair, in an act of modestly. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe's intention and desire what that women in general – and Chabad chassidic women specifically – wear head scarves. And he promised that they will merit life, sustenance, profit, and success, and all the blessings in the Torah.
  4. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe knew and held the same opinion as the Tzemach Tzedek, that a wig should only be worn in the house before one's husband. And not, heaven forbid, outside (Chidushei Hatzemach Tzedek, Brachot, page 6).
  5. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe wished for a differentiation between a Jewess and a gentile woman when they walk in the street. And everyone should see that the Jewess devoutly observes the Torah and Mitzvot with regard to covering her hair, and to modestly in general.
  6. I believe with complete faith that when the Rebbe said to wear a wig it was a ruling for a specific time and circumstance. Because in America at that time most of the women went out bareheaded altogether, And those who wore head scarves sometimes only covered half, or a third, or a quarter of their hair. And if they were in the company of secular or gentile women, or in the presence of the President, for example, they would remove their scarves and their hair was totally exposed.
  7. I believe with complete faith that the wigs of 60 years ago were so ugly that women were ashamed to wear them out in the streets. It required much effort and enthusiasm to convince them to put on those wigs.
  8. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe held that the wigs from India were idolatrous, and it is forbidden to wear or gain any benefit from tikrovet avodah zarah – a sacrificial offering to idolatry.
  9. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe forbids all the wigs of our day and age, without any exceptions to the rule.
  10. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe weeps every day and every night over the fact that Chabad women and women of the Nation of Israel wear wigs.
  11. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe has revealed himself in dreams to several women, including Chabad women. And he told them that he has no peace or comfort in Heaven. In fact he experiences intense suffering because it has been publicized in his name that he said women should wear wigs, and because Chabad women wear wigs.
  12. I believe with complete faith that Hashem, blessed be His name, has accepted the Rebbe's prayer and outcrying, and has sent loyal messengers to publicize throughout the world that it is forbidden to wear a wig – Especially according to the Rebbe's teachings.
  13. I believe with complete faith that the Rebbe will bless everyone who publicizes his true position – That it is forbidden for anyone in the world to wear a wig. And whoever publicizes this will truly merit welcoming our righteous Moshiach 'lower than ten tefachim', and He will point at them and say, "In your merit I have come!"

השאר תגובה